Fear of Death
“We are so afraid of the sight of death . . . As soon as someone dies in a hospital, they pull the sheets up over their head, and they wheel the body to some chute and push it down. . . . It’s not contagious, you know. Death is as natural as life. It’s part of the deal we made.” – Mitch Albom

We know that our time on earth is limited.
Even if we live to be 100 years old, that is in reality a short time in the history of the world and the universe. No matter who we are, our time is short. Many have come before us and are now a part of our history and memories, but are not here physically.
We know this is so. We see it happen every day as people we know or know about depart from this world and life. Yet, despite this knowledge many of us fear death. For those who believe in an afterlife with our creator, this is not a big problem, although even believers of faith still have some concerns about death and leaving those they love behind.
But for others who believe that this is their one and only life, they dread leaving this world because to them when this life is over, it is over and they are gone forever. Instead they cling to what they have and fear death.
In fact, they fear it so much that they may lose sleep over it. It is What Keeps Them Awake at Night. Yet, there is nothing they can do to slow or stop it from happening. At some point each of us will cease to exist on this earth.
I am in the camp of that this is just an entryway to our eternal life.
I know I will miss this life and being with my friends and family, but my faith tells me we will be reunited someday in a better place where will we live together forever.
I didn’t always believe this. As a child I dreaded the loss of those close to me, my parents and grandparents. I couldn’t imagine them not always being there with me. But I know that they still are and are watching over me. And they are waiting for me to join them someday when my lord calls me home.
″All anxiety, all dissatisfaction, all the reasons for hoping that our experience could be different are rooted in our fear of death. Fear of death is always in the background. As the Zen master Shunryu Suzuki Roshi said, ‘Life is like getting into a boat that’s just about to sail out to sea and sink.‴ – Pema Chödrön

We all have the same information about life and death.
We have our own spin on what it means. There are varying beliefs about the afterlife and who and what God really is. As the world becomes more secular, more reject God and an eternal life with him.
So what should one do if they truly believe that this life is all there is? Number 1 and the best would be to study the world’s most published and read book, the Bible. In it is our history of God and what he has done for the world. Once read, follow what the Bible teaches and thank God for his creation and for redeeming us even after we strayed from his teachings. That would be the best thing one could do.
That sounds simplistic and maybe unrealistic. People hold fast to their beliefs and may be unwilling to let them go. If so, then the #2 best thing would be to live a good and honest life. Treat others with respect, dignity and love. Someday we will be called to answer for our actions. I believe that even a non-believer who leads a goodly life will still be saved and will have eternal life. Just as some believers who lead a poor life may not see eternal life with their Creator.
Number 3 and the last and probably worst choice is to make the most of the excesses of this life. After all if this is it, go out with a bang. Forget about doing any good, make it all about yourself and what you want. Certainly not what our Creator wants us to do, but what other choice is there if numbers 1 and 2 don’t work for you?
Hopefully you are already there as a believer and practioner.
If not try doing #1 or #2. And as a last resort try #3. In any event, death is a certainty. Realize it, accept it and stop worrying and losing sleep over it. There is nothing you can do to stop it.
“Man cannot possess anything as long as he fears death. But to him who does not fear it, everything belongs.” – Leo Tolstoy