“As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.” – John F. Kennedy

We have so much to be thankful for.
We usually express it in our prayers, at church or before each meal. In the U.S. we even have a national day of giving thanks each November. Yet, even with all of that, we are sometimes, maybe even many times remiss for being grateful for all that we have.
We certainly live in a negative society. The headline news is always some sort of mistreatment of one person to another, whether robbery, rape or murder. Rarely is there a headline about the good people do for each other and how we reach out to help and befriend others.
That leads to a big question; “Why”?
Granted, life is not easy or fair. But despite some having advantages over others, many others do quite well for themselves. And it is not about possessions, but family, friends and relationships that we form with others and how we look out for and care for one another.
“Have the wisdom to perceive all there is to be thankful for, and then be thankful for the wisdom to perceive things so clearly.”
― Richelle E. Goodrich, Slaying Dragons

So what do we have to be thankful for? It really depends upon each individual. For some it may be a little and for others, a lot. Even when we have a lot, we are not always thankful and takes things for granted. It seems those with much less are often happier and thankful than those with everything. Doesn’t seem to make sense, but it is what it is.
There are times I get in a funk like others do and forget about all of the good things I have and have had happen to me. I need to sit down, gather myself and reflect on all of the good I have. Sure there are some not so good things. We all have those. But to me they are outweighed by the good things and that is what I need to focus on.
That needs to happen on a regular basis, not once a year on a day in November. If that is the best I can do, it isn’t enough for sure. That means I really don’t appreciate all that I have going for me.
The other part of gratitude is to then share that reality with others. If I can make someone’s day through a courtesy or some other thing that makes them feel good or helps them overall, then I am really showing appreciation for what I have. By sharing even something small with others I am paying forward the good things I have and that are happening to me.
We all show gratitude in our own way. Never forget all that you have and how you are blessed. If you do, you may lose sight of just how lucky you are.