Peter Christian

Responsibility and Accountability Necessary for a Successful Business

It is amazing that certain companies do not hold their personnel accountable for their work. They ignore that responsibility and accountability are necessary for a successful business.  It is puzzling why this is happening.  Companies try to solve this dilemma by redefining responsibilities. They do this by reorganizing what people do and restructuring the way …

Responsibility and Accountability Necessary for a Successful Business Read More »

Poor incentive sysytems hurt businesses.

Incentives: Poorly constructed plans make business fail

Attracting and retaining the top talent is an important priority for companies.  In that regard, employee incentive programs are a popular strategy. While incentive programs can be incredibly effective, if they are not devised and employed properly, they can do more harm than good to the company. That is why poorly constructed plans make business …

Incentives: Poorly constructed plans make business fail Read More »