Your Legacy
“The greatest legacy one can pass on to one’s children and grandchildren is not money or material things accumulated in one’s life, but rather a legacy of character and faith.” – Billy Graham

As many of us grow older and realize that our time on this earth is less and less, we start to think about our legacy and how people will remember us when we are gone.
In its basic meaning, a legacy is a gift of money or other personal property that’s granted by the terms of a will. But the word is used much more broadly as well. I may also mean what people think off or remember as or by when we have departed this life. We hope that if they think well of us now, they will continue to do so when we are dead
This is not always and probably in most instances, not the case.
We see even now that as we lose contact with people on a regular basis, that we are forgotten or not thought of often if at all. Our lives are so full of things that are happening that when we are not a part of someone’s normal routine, we are not thought of. And when we are really gone, we are often never thought of at all.
“If you don’t want to be forgotten as soon as you are dead, either write something worth reading or do something worth writing.”– Anonymous

I am not sure what I want my legacy to be.
While I have had a good and successful life, I am certainly not a well known personality even though I have dealt with many people in a variety of circumstances, professionally, socially, family and the like.
I cannot say that I am popular with everybody. I believe that overall I have more supporters than detractors, but you just never know. I tend to be honest about my beliefs, feelings, and opinions. This doesn’t always play well with others. But it is who and what I am and I will not change this just to be more popular.
If I were to die today, I want people remember me as:
- A good family man who loved his wife and children and would do almost anything for them. I spent much of my non-working time with them as a supporter, coach and mentor. I never lied to them and was always there when it mattered, even giving up important things in order to do so.
- Someone who truly liked people and was there to help when needed. Gave time to causes that helped others, like Meals on Wheels, various food banks, and church related events. Gave of my time, talent, and treasure to help and support those who needed help.
- A good and successful business person. Worked well in both the corporate and private business world. Started a very successful consulting practice that helped many individuals and companies. Always cared about both my employees and my clients and made their success my number one priority.
- Was a good, religious person who was never holier than thou, but showed a deep respect for my religion and my god. Served my church well and gave of myself and my time time to serve the congregation.
- Was someone who was true to his word and could be counted on to get things done. Never backed out once I committed myself and my time to whatever cause I was involved in and was always looking to not just do the same old same old but to do things better.
I am sure there is more, but this is a pretty good list.
Once asked if I ever had any regrets in or about my life, I honestly answered, “No”. I still believe that. Sure there have been disappointments in life. But I got over those and moved on. Did my life turn out the way I thought it would? For the most part, sure. I married my best friend, have 3 children I am very proud of, accomplished many things I set out to do and have had many more ups than downs.
So that is what I hope my legacy will be. I have no control over it because once I am gone, those who remember or care about me will decide what they want to about me. But I have left a foundation that I hope will stand the test of time.
“A man’s legacy is defined by the actions he takes in life, and the impact he has on those around him.”— Unknown